President - Jordan Lee
Vice President- Chad Elliott
Director / Governor- Lionel Shmyr
Director / Treasurer - Connie Van Camp
Director / Secretary - Connie Carter
Director - Jamie Placsko
Director – Darin Placsko
Director - Andrew DeHaan
Director – Greg Claypool
Director – Jesiah Haeusler
Director – Rick Schuurmans
Director – Tracie James
Director - Marley Seymour
General Manager - Trevor Blevins
Head Coach - Trevor Blevins
Assistant Coach - Dan Meyers
Trainer -
Equipment Manager - Sean Mason
Director of Player Development - Rick Oakes
Head Scout - Travis Stevenson
Marketing & Business Director - Mat Barrett

One of the two facets of the jewel of the City of Melfort, the Northern Lights Palace Arena is located at 110 MacLeod Avenue West. This beautiful facility has played host to such major events as the Royal Bank Cup and the Men’s Provincial Curling Championships, as well as many concerts and other events.
The arena has ice from August to April and is home to the Melfort Mustangs of the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League. During the summer months it is home to Melfort Lacrosse. The Palace is available year round for concerts, cabarets, trade shows, craft shows and many other functions.
With seating for 1,807 for arena events and over 2,400 for concerts, this facility can host many of the first class events in the province! The layout of the arena includes numerous dressing rooms as well as a skaters’ lounge (see links below). The other features of this arena include a box office and full concession services located in the main lobby and two satellite arena concessions.
To book your next ice event or for other events you can contact the City Melfort at (306) 752-5911 or the facility booking clerk at (306) 752-RENT (7368)
Melfort players can complete or upgrade high school classes at Melfort and Unit Comprehensive Collegiate, while others can take first and second year post-secondary studies at Cumberland Regional College which is affiliated with the University of Saskatchewan.
Our organization has a tremendous relationship with both schools, and we place a great emphasis on combining hockey and education with student players. U.S. College entrance exam's (SAT's) can be written during the season, and we can provide tutors to help prepare for the SAT's and regular classes.
We encourage players to continue with their education while playing for the Mustangs, as the development of the whole person is a goal of ours.
To help promote and encourage continued education the Melfort Mustangs will cover the cost of courses while you play for us providing you have perfect attendance and a grade of 75% or higher.
We feel that discipline, commitment and determination are the foundations for success in hockey and life. We expect our players/students to apply themselves to their education the same way they apply themselves to hockey.
Melfort Mustangs
Box 3640
Melfort, Saskatchewan
S0E 1A0
Phone: (306) 752-2799
Fax: (306) 752-3899